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Appearing Cane - Plastic

  • Pluck a cane from mid air
  • These plastic models are easier to use
  • Change a small silk hankie into a cane

Note from Martin:

In 1947, Magician Russ Walsh introduced a prop to the magic world that would proceed to become essential to many magician's acts - The Appearing Cane. The cane was a metal spring coil that could be compressed small enough to be easily concealed in the hand, yet when released, instantly resumed the full size of the cane, thus giving the impression of a cane appearing in the magician's hand.
In 1966, the Magician Fantasio made an innovative discovery when he used a plastic material as a substitute for the metal used in the cane. Fantasio used the material to make Appearing & Vanishing, Canes & Candles for his own use and to sell to the magic fraternity. For many years, Fantasio performed all around the globe with his beautiful Cane & Candle act, a perfect promotion for their use by other magicians.
(Although the Fantasio Canes are no longer available, these are the nearest quality plastic canes we currently find available)
These plastic Appearing Canes are a superb alternative to their metal counterparts. 
The metal appearing cane was a standard for magicians until Fantasio introduced the plastic version during the 1960s. These were an instant hit as an alternative, being much simpler to use, lighter and more forgiving than the metal cane. The Fantasio product is no longer available, but these are the nearest in quality we are able to find.
You quite literally pluck a full size cane from thin air, or visibly transform a small silk hanky into a full size walking cane.
Note: Appearing canes are a Professional Prop, intended for use by Professional Magicians. They consist of a sprung coil that when released, instantly extends to a full sized cane.
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