This category shows all items for sale on our website
Coin Unique
£25.00Shipped Product- A versatile coin trick
- Various routines
- Make a coin vanish, transform or penetrate
- Easy to use
3TL by Martin MacMillan
£8.50Shipped Product- A simple to perform prediction trick
- Unique method
- No outs, Angle proof
- Baffles both magicians & laymen
(1)£15.00Shipped Product- Easy to do, powerful mentalist's trick
- Ready to work right away
- Unique principle
Playing Cards - Bicycle, Tally Ho, Bee and other standard brands
Coin Penetration (Through Rubber Sheet)
£4.00Shipped Product- A miracle coin penetration
- The coin is seen to visually penetrate the rubber sheet
- Easy to do
- Video tuition
My World
£17.00Shipped Product- 'Out Of This World' - with a difference
- Only two sets of cards are dealt, one for the Red, the other for Black Cards
- Spectator freely chooses where each card is placed
- Both piles are turned up, both piles are correct, one is entirely Red, the other entirely Black cards
- Faces and backs are fully shown,
- No sleight of hand, Easy to do, Angle proof
Impromptu Secrets - Dominic Twose
£35.00Shipped Product- Impromptu magic with cards
- A huge hit on its release, now in its 3rd print
- Previously unpublished Vernon material
- Card magic you'll use
Any Queen Called For
(1)£12.50Shipped Product- Mental magic using playing cards
- Supplied with various routines
- Spectator always predicts the upturned card
- Can be repeated over & over without set up
Diverting Card Magic - Book by Andrew Galloway
£25.00Shipped Product- A how to book on Misdirection in card magic
- Vital for all close up magicians
- Includes routines with inbuilt misdirection
Animated Banknote
£4.50Shipped Product- The perfect opening trick for walk around performers
- A visual close up trick
Thumb Tips / Fingertip & False Finger sets
£3.50Shipped Product- The most versatile of Magician's accessories
- A variety available
- Video tuition available
Card Craze
(1)£12.50Shipped Product- Pieces of two cut up jumbo cards are mixed together
- They're assembled according to a spectator's instruction
- The Magician's prediction matches both perfectly
- No equivoque, Instant reset
- Fully examinable
- Only one prediction