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Magic Lesson - By Billy Day

  • A professional Children's Prop
  • Routine with loads of fun
  • By one of Britain's most creative Children's entertainers, Billy Day

This is a true pro' routine, packed with laugh after laugh. You try to turn a young volunteer into a Magician, using 3 coloured scarves, a bag and a huge solid looking (but soft) Magic wand. Now the fun begins...the scarves go into the bag, the volunteer hits the bag with the wand - hitting the magician's hand at the same time - the scarves are removed unchanged. But wait a minute, the bag has grown longer, the voluteer is instructed to be a little gentler with your props. The scarves go in for a second time, the bag (and magician) are again hit by the wand, this time out comes a scrawny chicken. The magic is definitely not working correctly claims magician, you have one more try with similar effect, now the bag grows too long for the volunteer to reach the bottom. When the volunteer is asked to remove their hand, it gets stuck inside. Eventually, the arm is removed and the scarves are found to be all joined together. This all sounds crazy, but it plays so big and packs so small. It takes a great performer like Billy Day was, to have come up with something as professional and useable as The Magic Lesson'.

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