Card Magic Of LePaul
- Card Moves
- Card Routines
- Learn from the best
Note from Martin:
Le Paul was one of the 20th century's most admired card technicians, here you have the opportunity to study his magic, moves and routines. With more than 200 pages, this book uses descriptive photographs of Paul Le Paul's hands in the explanation of his flourishes, sleights & routines.Contents:Chapter 1: The PassChapter 2: The Side StealChapter 3: PalmingChapter 4: A Useful AcquitmentChapter 5: Double LiftChapter 6: ChangesChapter 7: False DealingChapter 8: ControlsChapter 9: False ShufflesChapter 10: FlourishesChapter 11: Simplicity - The Key To Good MagicChapter 12: How Close Can You Watch?Chapter 13: Deceptive PerceptionChapter 14: Mistaken IdentityChapter 15: Substitution Envelope Mystery & One Eyed JacksChapter 16: A Magical TranspositionChapter 17: A Paradox of PairsChapter 18: An Unexpected ClimaxChapter 19: A Perfect Stop EffectChapter 20: Torn & Restored Card (Impromptu)Chapter 21: Quadruplicate MysteryChapter 22: Colour SegregationChapter 23: Deft DelusionChapter 24: Bashful QueensChapter 25: Reverse Card RoutineChapter 26: Impromptu Rising CardChapter 27: Four Ace TranspositionChapter 28: Hand Picked AcesChapter 29: Aces UpChapter 30: Gymnastic AcesChapter 31: Cards in a Sealed EnvelopeA soft back book
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