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Kids Kards - Richard Pinner

  • Visual card magic
  • Easy to do
  • Specially printed pack supplied
  • A novel theme you'll love to perform

Note from Martin:

A magic trick can often be enhanced with a story line, this special pack easily lends itself to a theme and becomes an entertaining and visual routine. 
Here's a typical presentation:- A group of children that you did a show for have made you a unique and special gift as a thank you. Wonderful though this is, it's not a lot of use for performing with. So using your special powers you set about changing one card, then the whole deck into a familiar and useful design.
With this brand new deck you now demonstrate your skills with a little mind reading. However, not wanting to ruin the young ones' beautiful present, yo set about returning it to its former, if unconventional, glory.
Each set of Kids Kards comes complete and ready to work. The artwork is charming, backs and faces are all custom printed and perfectly in tune with the patter story of children designing a deck of cards.
As novel routines go, this has to be one of the best. The magician claims to have a pack of cards that has been designed by children. The cards are freely shown to have child like drawings of playing cards on the faces and scribbled designs for backs. Then, while pattering about the designs on the cards, this unusual pack transforms into a regular looking pack of cards. Yes, both sides of the entire pack. What's more, you now proceed to perform a little mind reading effect. Instant, visual, easy to do magic.
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