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Beginners General Close Up Magic Course - lessons 1 and 2

  • Ideal magic course for beginners
  • Principles explained & necessary props supplied
  • Clear explanations for effective tricks
  • Link for streamed video explanation

Note from Martin:

These streamed videos are the first two lessons from our popular course in Magic, they are well performed, clearly explained and easy to follow. The perfect way to get started in magic as a hobby or profession. The two streamed videos are aimed at those getting started in magic. Supplied with the necessary props required to do top quality close up magic, all is fully taught and thoroughly explained by expert close-up magician, David Jones. An ideal set for beginners who want to learn properly. 
The lesson starts with some basic, but vital principles of magic. It then continues with simple to perform, but extremely effective tricks. Having shown these baffling routines, David proceeds with an explanation, clearly teaching all the methods for everything you were previously shown. What's more, they're not difficult to do.
These Routines and Methods are clearly explained between the two streamed videos ...
Just Chance
Hanky Vanish & Reproduction
Salt Vanish & Reproduction
Cigarette Vanish
Appearing Sponge Ball
False Transfer
Shuttle Pass
Count To Ten Routine (simple sponge ball routine)
Two In The Hand, One In The Pocket
Full sponge Ball Routine
I'll Start Again
Cut & Restored Rope
Four Ace Production
Poker Players Picnic
This is an ideal gift for someone getting started in magic and comes at a special introduction price.
Having bought this set, we find that the majority of our customers continue with the course and purchase the remaining lessons
(Note: Prices shown for all shipped items are excluding UK VAT. Overseas orders are shipped without VAT being added, UK orders will have VAT added at checkout where appropriate)
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  • 5 Stars

    Love it.
    Good magic, good tips works great 👍

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