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Egg Bag - Malini & Fez Type

£19.50 - £24.00
  • Malini Egg Bag: £19.50 (Out of Stock)
  • The classic performance magic trick
  • So many varied routines possible

Malini Egg Bag:- This perfect Malini style egg bag is flat, soft and a joy to handle. The Malini egg bag is considered by many professionals magicians as the best Egg bag on the market, this is a top quality model, made in black inside and out, contrasting beautifully with the egg.

Fez Egg bag:- This is a novelty egg bag, designed as a cloth Fez hat that can be worn, then whenever required, the magician performs the classic egg bag routine using the hat as a bag.
(Note: Prices shown for all shipped items are excluding UK VAT. Overseas orders are shipped without VAT being added, UK orders will have VAT added at checkout where appropriate)
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£19.50 - £24.00
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