Beginners Magic
Tricks that we feel are ideal for beginners in magic
Locked Deck
£17.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Unusual Card routine with a Houdini theme
- A looked at card escapes from a padlocked deck
- Easy to perform
M.R.M (The Mind Reading Miracle)
£25.00Shipped Product- A comical card routine with a kicker finish
- Easy to do
- A thought of card is revealed in a novel way
- You'll love performing this!
Magician's Wand
Marked Playing Cards
£32.00Shipped Product- Various marked decks of cards
- A great magician's accessory
- Read all the cards from their backs
Mastermind Deck
£10.50Only 1 left!Shipped Product- A simple version of Brainwave deck using long & short principle
- Two routines supplied
- Easy to do and quick to reset
Match The Cards
£12.50Shipped Product- A comedy Mentalism routine for the close up magician
- A double card prediction
- Easy to do
- Simple reset
(1)£12.50Shipped Product- An instantly workable Close Up Trick
- Easy to do
- Carry it around in your pocket
Mental Logs
£4.00Shipped Product- Four plastic logs, each with random numbers, you always correctly predict the total
- An easy to do trick, that gives the impression of mathematical genius
- Anytime, anywhere
- Everything can be examined
Mental Photography Deck
Mind Control
£6.50Shipped Product- Excellent Mind Reading Trick
- Easy To Do
- Carry It In Your Pocket
- Anytime, Anywhere Magic
Mind Reader
£10.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- A simple mind reading effect
- Unique method
- All can be examined
- Easy to do
Miser's Dream Cup
£10.50Shipped Product- Endless Coin Productions With Minimal Skill
- Requires No Preparation
- Can also be used to vanish coins