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Miser's Miracle - Bob Solaris

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  • A super method & presentation for the Miser's Dream
  • Endless coins are produced and dropped into the bucket
  • At the finish, all coins transform into one Giant Coin
  • Easy to perform, suits all audience types

The effect of a magician being able to continuously produce coins from thin air has huge appeal on an audience. The trick has been performed for many years the world over by the greatest magicians. Commonly known as 'The Miser's Dream', it's a routine that has many methods and accordingly requires various levels of skill.

This is Bob Solari's Miser's Miracle, a prop version that enables the magician to apparently produce an infinite number of coins with minimal skill level. The coins are all seen as they're individually produced, then clearly heard to drop into a metal bucket. That's a great trick in itself, but with this routine there's a kicker finish - having dropped numerous coins into the bucket, the magician requests a spectator to cup their hands ready to catch the coins - the bucket is tipped, but all that falls from it is a single giant coin. Both bucket and giant coin can be left with the spectator for examination.
A great effect, a magical routine and a surprise finish.
(Note: Prices shown for all shipped items are excluding UK VAT. Overseas orders are shipped without VAT being added, UK orders will have VAT added at checkout where appropriate)
You're supplied with the metal bucket, giant coin, special gimmick and ;written instruction.
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